Friday, July 22, 2011

The heat goes on

A trucker sent us a picture of the thermometer in her garage.  It was over 100 in the shade.  This is the third day of miserable heat and now I think we will see the damage this heat wave will do for the next several weeks.  Young plants will be burned and stunted and will cut yields.  Customer complaints will multiply and even the air conditioning will not blunt that heat.  People don't want to understand, but plants can only adapt so much to extremes of heat and cold.  At a certain point, their internal systems change to keep the plant alive at the expense of vegetative growth, fruit and seed production.  It is an overworked trope, but plants are like people.  They can suffer heatstroke as well as frost damage.  It's funny, we understand that most plants suffer and die below 32 degrees.   Similar things happen when the temp. goes above 100.  We may be back in the 70s by Sunday, but for many plants, the damage is already done.

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