Saturday, July 9, 2011

Market Saturday

Staggered out of the house at 6 am. this morning to start bunching beets and harvesting herbs and lettuce for the farmers' market in Plattsburgh, but I immediately noticed I needed to water seedbeds and germinating carrots and fennel.  That took half an hour, which put me behind schedule to the point Pam from the market called me in the truck to find out what was keeping me.   I wished I had started earlier, but I was almost there by 9 am.  It's a kick to see people  eager to buy the veggies I have slaved so hard to produce.  Started to harvest a few garlic heads, since one variety, a Russian softneck decided to fall over this week.  the heads are fine, just not very large.  Oh well, it wasn't a very good growing season, but next year...Jerusalem!

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