Sunday, July 10, 2011

the joys of yardwork

It   was shaping up to be a really productive day in the yard and garden.  Transplanted some broccoli and cauliflower, planted a bed of beets and killed many thousands of weeds, then decided to do a little mowing around the border fence prior to painting.  Big mistake!  One of the belts on my 44 inch Toro mower was starting to sever, and I tried to help it reseat.  The next thing I know I am dragging my crushed and bloodied thumb from between two rollers.  Made it back to the house and was promptly shut down by my better half.  Fortunately , having nurses in the family is like having your own private ER and Alicia's fiance who was a combat medic cleaned me up as well as the hospital could have and with a lot less wait time.  So tomorrow it's off to the doctor for the standard tetanus shot and dressing with admonitions I will have to ignore.  Hopefully I can still swing the golf clubs and keep transplanting.  My thumb nail is already a nasty blue color and I'm sure I can anticipate growing a new one over the next several months.  I wish I had been more careful, but that's not really me.

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