Friday, June 17, 2022

What it is ain't exactly clear

       I have to admit I started to doze off as retired judge, Michael Luttig, droned on and on about competing theories as to the meaning of the 12th amendment.  He ultimately opined John Eastman's bogus reading of the statute would never hold up in court, but by that time, most of his audience was probably snoring.

      As Chris Hayes on MSNBC pointed out, Eastman, et al. had hit on an interpretation of the Electoral Count Act which would allow the Vice-President to unilaterally decide to disallow "disputed" slates of electors and merely count those he agreed with.   In a phone call with tRump several days before the ceremonial counting of the certified electoral votes, Pence admitted he desparately sought legal justification to carry out his Cheeto Jesus' instructions, but was unable to find a fig leaf of legal jurisprudence to cover his perfidy.

     It seems, based on the Committee's findings, we came perilously close to seeing the failed former president becoming a dictator for life.  This with the full support of one of our two political parties.  I can't wait for what the next hearing will reveal.

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