Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Truth and reality

      It's almost laughable the fate of democracy in America may be on the shoulders of a 25 year old woman who was inside the room on the days leading up to the January  6 insurrection.   Her testimony to the Select Committee was poised and believable.  For those of us who have always seen tRump for what he is; a gutless mountebank who would flush democracy down the drain to retain power, Cassady Hutchinson's testimony was an anti-climax.  For the tRump faithful, it was heresy.   For the rest of the country, perhaps it was a revelation.

    How someone of her tender age became involved in the highest circles of Republican politics is a story that should be written.   Certainly her looks did not hurt her.   Powerful older men have always sought the company of beautiful young women and in the tRump administration it was follow the leader.  Nevertheless, Ms. Hutchinson did what few others have.   She guided us through the frightening prologue to January 6 and the chaos of the day itself.

    Now, Mark Meadows, tRump's Chief of Staff holds the fate of the Dear Leader in his hands.  Will he have the guts of Cassady Hutchinson and testify, or will he be just another lackey who winds up under the bus.

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