Tuesday, June 21, 2022

An uncivil war

        Eric Greitens, disgraced former Missouri governor and candidate for the US Senate started running an ad showing him in Navy Seal regalia, armed with a shotgun and surrounded by a thuggish looking crew.   He says he is RINO hunting and brags there is no bag or tag limit and he will continue the hunt until America is safe.  I guess he is referring to the pernicious influence of normal members of the GOP if there is such a thing.

     During his tenure as governor, Greitens was accused by a former mistress of sexually abusing her and photographing the abuse.  His wife also accused him of abusing her and the couple's children.  This led to his impeachment and removal from office.   I wonder how many of those legislators would vote against a man who clearly has left his senses and would probably threaten them with weapons.   I don't know if he violated any Federal laws in the making and distribution of this ad, but I hope some jurisdiction will hold him responsible for this hate filled manifesto.

     We are rapidly sliding into an abyss where violence against fellow citizens will not only be condoned, but encouraged.    The national leaders of the GOP would in the ordinary course of events be expected to condemn Greiten's ad and call for his ouster from the party.  However, the inmates seem to have taken over the asylum.   I'm afraid someone will take this nut's ravings seriously.  Dog help us all.

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