Tuesday, June 7, 2022

The walls are closing in

      tRump seems to be on the proverbial ropes as the second half of the year approaches.  Civil suits in New York, a renewed investigation by the DOJ in Washington and perhaps most dangerous of all, the investigation by the Fulton County District Attorney into the failed former president's call to Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensberger to pressure him to "find" enough votes to overturn the election in that state.

     Donnie Two Scoops has evaded the law up until this point, but the investigations outlined above seem designed to at the very least embroil him in the justice system in the run up to the 2024 election.  The House Select Committee investigating  the January 6 insurrection is about to hold public hearings about the events leading up to the mob violence designed to nullify a free and fair election.  Most of the people who need to hear the Committe's report will avoid it since it conflicts with their prejudices.  Let's hope the legal system and public opinion will finally bring tRump to justice.

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