Tuesday, June 14, 2022

New Horizons

       I finished bundling the Divine Mrs. M and her sister into the family car for a jaunt to North Carolina and a meeting of the Jane Austin Society of North America (JASNA).  Who knew such an organization  existed, let alone have a large membership throughout the continent.   Jane Austin was a proto feminist and writer in the early 19th century, author of I think 8 novels which seem to have captured the imagination of many women of a certain age.   Much as men like to dress up and recreate Revolutionary and Civil War battles, women in JASNA dress up in period costumes and relive elaborate teas, dances and other activities associated with the lifestyle of early 18th century England.

     Many of these women live and breathe the Jane Austin era here in 21st century America.    It's not for the faint of heart and/or the light of pocketbook or reticule as the case may be.  As we as a people live longer, there is a need for activities such as this.   JASNA may appear frivolous from the outside, but it fills a need.   We are social animals and as such we seek out those who share our outlook.   Much as I have said golfers as a group are trustworthy and likable, so it appears to me are the "Janites".   Long may they live!!

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