Friday, June 24, 2022

Chipping away

       Despite the naysaying pundits who predicted the January 6 Select Committee's open hearings would be a bust, the ratings have been much better than most people expected.   While there hasn't been a single blockbuster revelation, the committee has tied together a consistent narrative implicating Republicans at the highest levels of the administration.   Also, according to committee chairman, Benny Thompson, the success of the hearings has encouraged many more potential witnesses to come forward.

     Even viewers of Faux news are seeing some of the non prime time hearings and a majority of Americans in the latest polls feel tRump is at least partly responsible for the chaos surrounding January 6.  I'm not holding my breath, but for the first time in a long while I'm thinking it's possible the failed former president may actually be held to account for plotting the end of democracy in America.

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