Monday, June 6, 2022

Fantasy Politics

       In today's NYT, Josh Marshall, the editor of Talking Points Memo, says the Democrats can retain their majority in the House and increase it in the Senate if they will only pledge to codify Roe vs. Wade and make it law.   Marshall is a persuasive writer, but I think he has drunk the Capitol Kool-Aid if he believes there are enough voters who will make abortion their number one issue in the coming elections and vote with the fervor the other side will surely muster.

     With the specter of inflation front and center in the media, the price of a gallon of gasoline is liable to be more on many people's minds than reproductive rights for women.   Democrats must cater to a big tent party with dozens of issues competing for voter attention.  Climate change, gun regulation, inflation, LgBTQ rights are just a few of the issues competing for voter attention.  Then there is the notorious drop off in Dem voter participation in off year elections.  Many voters seem to muster up the ambition to do their civic duty only in presidential election years.

      Marshall makes the point Democrats must pledge if voters give them a majority in the House and at least 52 Democrats in the Senate they will break the filibuster to pass Roe legislation.  It seems like a steep uphill climb, but perhaps the only path to electoral success.   At least Marshall doesn't counsel giving up!

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