Friday, June 3, 2022

Intergenerational trauma

       Most baby boomers have very vivid memories off "duck and cover" drills in school during the late 1950s and 60s.   The threat of nuclear war was existential, but for those of us in grammar school the drills were a respite from schoolwork.   I certainly never imagined a nuclear explosion sweeping away Sister Esther's 1st and 2nd grade classes.  Fortunately we never experienced WW 3.

      Cut to the present day.  My grandchildren are now participating in "live shooter drills" in preparation for the invasion of their school by a deranged 18 year old with hurt feelings who will execute them with a weapon of war.   Knowing them, i doubt these 5-7 year olds really believe such a monster will really appear in Peru, New York, much less kill them or their friends.   I'm sure the children in Uvalde felt the same way right up until they were slaughtered.

     The solution to the present crisis is presented in almost every advanced nation but ours.  It is hard to buy firearms of any type in Europe.  Canada has just started the process of banning handguns in the general population.   It is time to start the same conversations here.  

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