Friday, April 22, 2022

Who is more cynical

         Thanks probably to Liz Cheyney, it has been proven Kevin McCarthy is a serial liar and a cynical coward who would probably soil himself if tRump shouted at him.   The talking heads on MSNBC treated the story with the seriousness it deserved last night.  After all, we know politicians shade the truth all the time, but this time there is an actual recording of McCarthy telling other members of the Republican leadership team he was going to advise tRump to resign the presidency in the wake of the 1/6 insurrection.   He hotly denied the NYT story of this event, obviously not knowing there was a recording of his words.

       Lo and behold, this morning an Axios reporter told the outraged eponymous host of Morning Joe that McCarthy would pay no political price for lying to the nation.   the reporter noted McCarthy represents a safe MAGA district in California and would undoubtedly be re-elected no matter the lies.   I'm not sure who is more cynical about our democracy; a politician who lies and counts on his constituents to overlook this fact or a member of the press who considers Republican voters rubes who would vote for the liar.  I'm afraid both of them are right. 

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