Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Time for Ludovico

       The "Big Lie", that tRump actually won the 2020 election is believed by 2/3 of self identified Republicans despite the mainstream media's attempt to set the record straight.   In some cases, the more vehement the defense of the fairness of the election, the more respondents cling to the lie.  Asked if they have seen any evidence, some say it just doesn't "smell right".

      Of course, many if not most of these people watch Fox news 8 hours or more per day.  In many areas of the country Fox is the default programming for every business from barbershops to airport waiting areas.  Fox and other right wing media outlets have effectively brainwashed  a sizable minority of the population.   In a recent experiment, a number of Fox news viewers were paid to watch CNN for  7 hours per week.  There was an equal number in a control group who continued to watch Fox.   After a month of CNN, the former Fox viewers were open to fact based reporting.  The control group resisted the same facts.  

      As one wag put it, it's time for the Ludovico technique.   This refers to the movie "A Clockwork Orange" where a homicidal delinquent is strapped down and his eyes taped open and forced to watch acts of extreme violence  while classical music (which he adores) is played loudly.   I  could name a Fox news host or two for an experiment... 

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