Thursday, April 28, 2022

It's the stupid economy

         I'm pretty sure it's like this in most of America today.   Many if not most of the people I see in this area are driving late model cars, the restaurants in Plattsburgh are full most nights and jobs are going begging.   However, if you ask the same people who are driving these cars how the economy is doing, they point to high gas prices and moan about inflation.

       Maybe inflation is a problem for some, but most economic indicators show a booming country with job opening outpacing lost positions by a healthy margin.   Fox news and other right wing outlets scream about inflation as if it were out of control.   Having lived through the 1970s, I can tell you from experience inflation today is a pale shadow of what it was then.  

      Democrats can crow all they want about legislative victories and laws that help the middle class, but if they don't change people's perception of the economy they are going to be in the minority in the next Congress.

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