Monday, April 4, 2022

Doomscrolling the climate apocalypse

        If you read the paper of record today, prepare to be depressed by stories of the coming environmental collapse.   From a worsening of the western drought to the decline of the ash tree on the Eastern Shore due to the emerald ash borer, there is something for everyone to cry over.

      Meanwhile, spring is coming ever so slowly to the north country.  While we have had a few days in the 60s, the soil is abnormally dry, so farmers on sandy soils are already plowing and getting ready to plant.  Of course, a couple of inches of rain or a  snowstorm could quickly alter the equation.  In my own garden, the garlic is pushing through the straw mulch, but it has been a slow process.   Normally, by now I would have put in a bed of spinach, but with soil temperatures abnormally low, it would be a fool's errand.   Maybe next week....

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