Thursday, April 21, 2022

the MAGA, Putin alliance

        The Florida legislature is currently considering stripping the Disney corporation of special tax privileges on its Disney World property in Orlando.   The special 40 square mile tax district has allowed Disney World to be a nearly independent self regulating entity.   The reason for this punitive legislation which Gov. DeSantis has said he will sign is Disney's opposition to the "Don't say gay" bill recently passed and signed into law in Florida.

        Like Putin, DeSantis and other Republicans have decided to cast their political futures with the tRumpist white, ethnonationalist wing of the party.  Playing to a rabid base which represents approximately 30% of the population, these politicians, most of whom should know better, are playing to the worst angels of our nature.  I'm sure many if not most of these wannabe strongmen would love to emulate Putin's trashing of democracy.

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