Monday, April 11, 2022

The next tipping point in Ukraine

        The climate in Ukraine seems to be very much like what we experience here in the north country, in other words,  a cold winter followed by a short spring, a hot summer and a fairly short fall, followed by a long, cold winter.   Farmers in this are are getting ready for spring planting.   They should also be doing that in Ukraine.

      The fact farmers will probably be unable to plant in many areas of Ukraine due to military activity may have catastrophic consequences for those who depend on Ukrainian grain.  The world market will reflect this shortfall with steeply rising prices.   This will be especially true if climate change impacts another growing region, causing an even bigger shortfall.  There are vast areas of the planet where starvation is an ever present specter. 

       Despite the nearly endless chatter about the geopolitical struggle going on in Ukraine, agriculture is barely mentioned.   I think as spring unfolds, more and more people will begin to realize the importance of farming in the grand scheme.   We are balanced on a knife edge and the situation is precarious in the extreme.

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