Thursday, April 14, 2022

Beating the same drum

       I know it is hard to focus on tRump with so much else going on in the world, but even the remote possibility of him running and winning the presidency in 2024 is enough to beat the drum again.

      The problem the mainstream media has when it comes to covering the twice impeached failed former president is that a tsunami of scandals swirl around the man and his inner circle and it seems impossible that they should not bring him down.   Consider for a moment the 2 billion the Saudis are investing in Jared Kushner, tRump's son-in-law.   If Hunter Biden were to cash in on his proximity to power in such a manner, right wing media would  be covering it 24/7.  In Kushner's case not so much.    Even the mini-scandal of tRump horning in on his official White House photographer's book project would have received constant play on Faux News if Obama had done the same.

     If tRump runs in 2024, we and by extension the media need to keep our eyes on the steady stream of scandal which follows the ex president as surely as night follows day.

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