Wednesday, April 6, 2022

The infamous laptop

         Hunter Biden's laptop is once more in the news.  I should say the story has been picked up by the mainstream media in an attempt to "both sides do it" in relation to tRump's attempts to subvert the 2020 presidential election.   I guess you go into battle with the story you have, not the story you wish you had.

      My guess is the younger Biden will eventually be convicted of tax evasion and perhaps influence peddling.   He will embarrass his father, but no connection other than the filial will be found.  What Faux News and the right wing are looking for at the very least is a Hilary Clinton email type scandal.   Something that means little or nothing compared to Donald Trump's dirty laundry but allows pundits to pontificate on the evils of power and those in its proximity.  

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