Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Whose DOJ is it, anyway

        When Joe Biden appointed Merrick Garland as Attorney General, many liberals, myself among them, felt a little schadenfreude.  Garland's appointment by Barack Obama to the Supreme Court was stolen by Mitch McConnell, so, the feeling went that at a minimum, Garland would enforce the law without fear or favor.

     Now, in a series of rulings which must have run through Garland, the DOJ is bending backwards to accommodate the former guy's administration.  The latest blow to my sense of justice is the department's continuation in the defense of tRump in the defamation lawsuit brought by E. Jean Carrol in which she claims the 45th president slandered her in a press conference.   The government regularly defends officials who are sued over comments or actions taken in the normal course of their duties.  However, in tRump's case, the action for which he slandered Carrol, a sexual assault, happened many years before his election.  There seems no basis for the government to defend him in this manner.   So much for blind and equal justice.

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