Friday, June 11, 2021

Now we know

        I posed the question; whose DOJ is it anyway the other day.   Yesterday came the answer.  It was and seemingly still is the tRump family law firm in the wake of revelations that under Jeff Sessions and later Bill Barr, the DOJ subpoenaed Apple for phone records of Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee.    Apple was put under a gag order that only recently expired.  Apple then informed Adam Schiff he was one of the targets of the investigation into leaks to the press of the ongoing probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 elections.

      It is obvious tRump doesn't give a rat's ass for the continuation of democracy in America if the price is investigations of his ties to Putin, his business and his family.   He managed to turn the entire DOJ into a subsidiary of the Trump Organization and subverted the very meaning of justice in 21st century America.

     As more and more stories like this come out, it's a good bet a few of his supporters will peel away in horror at these revelations, but the core Trumpkins will find a way to turn their hero's anti democratic impulses into something to cheer about.   Meanwhile, the gravediggers of democracy will lean on their shovels for a few minutes before going back to work.

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