Thursday, June 3, 2021

A Democratic Suicide pact

       If you listen to the talking heads gathered around the table at the Morning Joe bloviation, you usually come away with the uneasy feeling that most of America has no use for the programs the donkey party espouses.   This, despite the fact poll after poll shows most Americans want a $15/hr. minimum wage, they want the government to tax the wealthy and corporations to pay for a slew of social safety net programs and their only quibble is why can't the Dems get it done more quickly.

     Scarborough and many pundits cling to the belief the average American is slightly to the right of Attila the Hun.   This may be the case in the culture wars so dear to the hearts of Republican strategists.  However, on economic issues, most of us would make Karl Marx proud.   This dichotomy has driven our politics since FDR's election and it is why Republicans are desperate to restrict the vote to those reliable culture warriors who willingly vote against their economic interests in favor of owning the libs.  

     Should the Democratic party align itself with the ex Republicans who frequent Morning Joe and other quasi right wing shows,  it will alienate the voters it needs to remain in power.  Warmed over conservative ideology excites no one and will lead to a crushing defeat in the 2022 elections.   A full throated liberal economic agenda may attract enough independents and moderate Republicans to allow for Dems to deliver the change most of us want.

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