Tuesday, June 22, 2021

An antidote

       Amid the headlines of doom concerning voting rights, the weather extremes heralding climate catastrophe and the posthumous follies of the tRump administration, I needed a break.  Over the weekend and last night I got that break in the persons of 2 of my grandchildren.  

    On Saturday the Divine Mrs. M and I journeyed to Plattsburgh to watch Erica play lacrosse with other 8-13 year olds.   The earnest joy of the kids as they scampered from one side of the pitch to the other was uplifting and sometimes laugh inducing.   There were some talented girls out there who will become stars in the booming lacrosse scene in the North Country.   EJ as Erica is sometimes called seems to like the sport and will continue to play.  Good on you EJ!

     On a slightly less serious note, we attended a tee ball game where the participants included grandson Ben and 15 other 5-6 year olds.  Hilarity and good sportsmanship ensued.   Most of the boys and girls involved had a rudimentary idea of what they were supposed to do, but often the proceedings looked like a rugby scrum as half the team descended on a batted ball and decided by committee who was to throw the ball and where.   Each "inning" ended with a bases clearing romp where everyone scored, even if they forgot to "touch em all".   A mashup of John Fogerty's "Centerfield" and Peter Paul and Mary's ''Right Field" should have been playing!   All in all, a delightful way to spend an early summer evening.

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