Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Persecute or Prosecute

      It's only a change in a vowel and a consonant to go from unjustly harassing someone to justifiably holding them to account for wrongdoing.  The die hard defenders of the former guy, but mostly the subject himself, maintain the 45th president is being persecuted by a liberal mob.  tRump calls it a witch hunt and seemingly will whip his followers to the point of actual violence in the event of his arrest and prosecution on any number of crimes for which he is presently being investigated for.

     From libel to sexual assault to election tampering, the list is long and comprehensive.  Yesterday, it was revealed Cheetolini's staff sent the DOJ a memo in December of 2020 asking the department to file a brief with the Supreme Court.   The brief, seemingly written in haste, would have asked the court to set aside the electoral votes of swing states tRump lost.  The court is then asked to call for new elections in the six states, presumably leading to the re-election of the loser.   This seems like the very definition of election tampering, going beyond even his call to the Secretary of State of Georgia in which tRump demands Brad Raffensberger "find" 11,780 votes in order to overturn the election in that state.

    Whether it is the Manhattan DA, the NYS AG,  the Fulton County Prosecutor or the US DOJ,  some government entity will eventually bring charges against a senile, but still dangerous old man who will gladly throw our democracy under the bus if doing so will let him avoid the consequences of his manifold crimes.  It is up to us to demand justice.

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