Wednesday, June 2, 2021

The new activists

       It looks like it will cost more to drive to that July 4th fireworks display.  The burgers you consume before the after dark celebration will also cost more, if you can find them.   That's the takeaway after the latest round of cyber hacking disrupted the operations of a Brazilian meat packing giant which has plants on nearly every continent.  Added to the Colonial pipeline hack this latest ransomware threat is messing with some of the average American's most guilty pleasures.

     I'm sure JBS will cough up however many millions of dollars the hackers are demanding because the collapse of the supply system which converts cows into hamburgers would cost producers and consumers much more than any conceivable ransom.  As the Covid crisis illustrated, the meat supply is delicately balanced with demand and if one or the other is out of whack, the consequences for everyone concerned can be catastrophic.

     We have been told the planet cannot support 8 billion meat eating, gasoline powered car driving human beings.  Most of us have ignored these warnings and either keep doing or aspire to doing just that.  Perhaps these ransomware hackers can be considered the new climate activists.   They merely need to advertise themselves as such and many of us will applaud this new "Robin Hood" approach to getting  us to do what needs to be done.

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