Thursday, June 24, 2021

Republican insanity

       From asking if a government agency can alter the earth's orbit to counteract climate change to calling Joe Biden a communist, today's Republican party is in full insanity mode and it looks like they are doubling down on the strategy going into the 2022 mid term elections.

      Once upon a time, people like Louie Gohmert, Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert would have been laughed out of a primary debate and gone down to a stunning defeat in their party's primary.  Now, these nutcases have to look over their shoulders and try to up their crazy to remain ahead of the pack.   

      The difference between the aforementioned Republican representatives and more mainstream GOPers like Ted Cruz is becoming narrower.   Cruz opined the other day that S1, the For the people Act is designed to make sure Democrats never lose another election.  If by proposing nationwide rules reversing Republican legislatures' efforts to suppress voting by black and brown people the Act ushers in an era of majority rule, then I guess Cruz may have a point.  But the shamelessness of his lies concerning the bill go far beyond typical Republican gaslighting.   

     Republicans in the age of tRump have figured out that telling the truth about their only salient policy, tax cuts for the rich, will not ensure their election.   Instead, a steady diet of lies about policies which actually help the poor and middle classes seems to be the ticket to electoral supremacy.  Democrats seem to believe telling the truth is the way to win.  I guess we'll find out in November of 2022.

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