Monday, June 7, 2021

A Brave Old World

     It is hard to read Democratic leaning blogs or other content these days.   The drumbeat of electoral doom in 2022 and the very real possibility Republican legislatures will nullify the popular vote in their states if it contradicts their preferred narrative is hard to take.

      I prefer to think whimsically.   Republicans will step back from the brink of autocracy and continue to do the right thing if the election for president in 2024 does not go their way.  tRump and his acolytes will continue to be too odious for the vast majority of Americans to stomach.   The near universal revulsion toward the policies advocated by the GOP will ensure a landslide victory for Dems who espouse the social investment policies of the Biden administration.

     In other news, a certain bridge in Brooklyn is being touted as a wise investment in the future!

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