Monday, December 21, 2020

What's really important

        Something as simple as baked goods can let us know the holiday season is upon us.   My eldest daughter gave us a sample of her prodigious baking output and I was transported to an earlier Christmas season.  Then the middle child brought over some samples of her attempt to recreate my mother and grandmother's apricot bar cookies and I knew the holiday season was upon us.  

       Regardless of the political situation, the pandemic and the economy, it is time for all of us to link arms, figuratively, of course and celebrate another Christmas.   It will be a holiday unlike any other in my experience, but as always, we will make the best of it and conjure a joyous yuletide out of the wreckage of 2020.   As always, the children of the family will make it a memorable time for all of us.  God bless us every one!

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