Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Pardon Me

        According to some, the latest leak from DoJ regarding abuses of the president's pardoning power is merely a ploy from Bill Barr to reestablish his integrity before the lights go out in his office on January 20.    Between the release of a heavily redacted judicial brief from August ruling on lawyers' request to access information on laptops, i phones, etc. seized in a raid inspired by a bribery for pardon scheme.

     Personally, I think this is just a shiny object to keep the liberal media busy in a fruitless bid in the waning days of the tRump administration to find the one great crime which will bring the president* down.   Unfortunately, incontrovertible evidence of even the most heinous crime will barely cause a yawn among Cheetolini's supporters, so why release this information now?   Along with speculation about pardons for Jared, Ivanka, Don Jr., Eric, etc., all this does is muddy the water and probably allow other crimes to go forward with little or no publicity.

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