Friday, December 18, 2020

Christmas is coming, isn't it?

      We are a week away from our celebration of the winter solstice.   As a matter of fact, the solstice occurs on the 21st this year and as always, Christmas is the 25th, but what is 4 days among friends.

       I've probably said this in other holiday seasons, but in this pandemic year, it really does feel as if Christmas is passing us by.   I know the celebration of the birth of a brown baby during a Roman census  over 2000 years ago has devolved into an imitation Saturnalia of excess despite Christianity's best efforts to keep our focus on its own brand of religion.   I have happily joined in the American version of the holiday ever since I received the Santa Claus indoctrination as a  toddler.   Somehow, the magic isn't there this year.  At least, so far.

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