Thursday, December 17, 2020

35 days and counting

       Most of us who prize rationality and facts are counting down the days until the tRump administration is in the rear view mirror.   I'm sure we will continue to be inundated by stories of official perfidy such as the moles placed in the CDC who called for the government to cease trying to limit the spread of the coronavirus and allow as many people as possible to be infected.    The reason for this policy was the supposed development of "herd immunity" in the general population.  The casualty figure of up to a million deaths or more in such a scenario seemed not to bother these amoral a-holes.

     As more and more such stories surface, I hope we will have a "truth and reconciliation" commission to fully investigate the wrongdoing and crimes committed against America and its people during the last 4 years.   Cheetolini and his henchmen need to account for them all.

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