Tuesday, December 15, 2020

A new beginning or SOS

     The media seemed hell bent on making the first vaccinations for the coronavirus a three day extravaganza.   From the FDA approval for emergency use to the breathless coverage of the trucks leaving the Pfizer plant to the jab into a nurse's arm, you would think there was no other news in the world.

      It was a milestone for sure.   It took less than a year to roll out the first vaccine and it should be celebrated.    However, we have a long dark winter ahead and premature celebrations will only push the ultimate death toll higher as even those who have been heeding public health messaging may relax their vigilance for the holidays.   

     The tRump administration bungled every aspect of fighting the pandemic except for pushing the vaccine development, although they had nothing to do with Pfizer and Moderna's efforts, Cheetolini is still trying to take credit for his laughable association with the scientists who actually developed the medicine.  Now, in a final show of incompetence, after the initial distribution there has been little or no planning for the full roll out of immunizing the general population.   Good luck to the Biden administration as they inherit yet another tRump disaster. 

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