Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Republicans want you to suffer

      If you are poor, black, brown or otherwise non white, Republicans want you to suffer in the wake of Joe Biden's election.   Mitch MCConnell and his caucus have decided there will be little or no pandemic relief for America unless corporations are protected from liability for their failure to protect workers during the crisis.   

      This is the media narrative for the failure of the Senate to advance aid to the American people.  Of course, the real reason is to punish voters for pulling the lever for a Democrat in November.   Ever since Bill Clinton was elected, Republicans have looked on Democratic governments as illegitimate, despite the fact in most cases Dems had to clean up messes made by the GOP when it was in power.   Republicans have flat out forgotten how to govern and mainly function as a full time opposition party.  Hence, no relief for America.

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