Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The coming of consensus

        Now that beltway journalists have circulated the emerging consensus among Republicans and certain conservative Democrats that it is time to embrace deficit reduction, it is off to the races.

         Free trade, open borders and "entitlement reform" will be the GOP's weapons of choice as it faces the Biden administration's more people oriented policies.   The infamous Paygo policy of paying for every program by either raising taxes or reducing other spending will once again become the vogue among otherwise smart Democrats.    The fact Republicans spent the last 4 years ignoring deficit concerns while their party controlled the White House is barely mentioned by the mainstream media.  

        Even in the event of both Warnock and Ossoff  both winning the Georgia runoff elections and delivering us from Mitch McConnell's tender mercies, there is an appetite in Congress to continue policies which benefit the rich and by extension hurt the poor.   It is up to ordinary citizens to let our congresscritters know they will pay a price for boosting that agenda.

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