Friday, December 11, 2020

The beat goes on

       In a continuing saga, Republicans filed yet another lawsuit with the Supreme Court, asking the justices to set aside the voters wishes in 4 states.   This would have the effect of handing the presidency to Cheatolini.

      To be sure, this lawsuit is a joke, and even the 3 tRump appointees on the Court could not in good conscience support it.   But the very idea of such a suit being pursued after all 50 states have certified the victory of Joe Biden in the presidential election is horrifying at best.   It seems Republicans can now not acknowledge an electoral win by any party but their own.   In the face of overwhelming evidence the election was free and fair, nearly 80% of self identified members of the GOP feel the election was stolen.

      Of course, once Biden is inaugurated, many of these naysayers will come to accept the Democrat's victory.   However, a hard core of tRump supporters will go to their graves saying the election was stolen.  The lasting damage the 45th president* has done to our democracy is the legacy he will drag to his final resting place.

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