Monday, October 19, 2020

Two more weeks

        At least 27 million of my fellow citizens got the memo about voting early.   This, compared to 2016 when only 5.9 million had cast their ballots at this point in the race.   As more states with early voting open, the tsunami will continue.  By election day, fully half the eligible population of voters may have exercised their right, relieving pressure on polling places.  It is estimated by a 2 to 1 margin the early voters are Democrats.

       Virtually every pundit is still claiming there is a path to victory for Republicans, including Cheatolini.  They tell us every poll is suspect and there are millions of secret tRump voters out there, just waiting for the opportunity to vote for a  racist, homophobic misogynist on November 3.   Undoubtedly there are more than a few men and even women who would vote for such a candidate, but fortunately they make up less than 45% of voters and many will not bother to vote anyway.  

      So, at some point, there will be overwhelming evidence of a Biden  victory.   What happens then is the biggest stress test of our democracy since the Civil War.  I hope we are up to it.

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