Friday, October 2, 2020

The national nightmare continues

        Since it is already out there in liberal leaning blogs and the national media, I'm sure in the wake of Cheetolini and Melania testing positive for coronavirus speculation about presidential succession is also happening in wingnuttia.    Since Pence has been in close contact with POTUS, he may very well test positive also.   Should both of these elderly men show heavy duty symptoms and are hospitalized and possibly intubated, we all know who is next in line to assume the duties of the presidency.   

       While I hope the president* and the VP recover in time to be whipped in  the election, I also hope the Speaker is in isolation today and will remain so until there is definitive news regarding tRump.  The old boy is morbidly obese, which is one of the co-morbidities most likely to put you at risk of hospitalization.  However, considering how transparent the White House has been regarding the president's* health, I'm sure we will be getting up to the minute news.   In the meantime, thoughts and prayers...

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