Monday, October 12, 2020


       I looked in vain this morning for  any mention of Columbus Day in the NYT.   Surely there would be a footnote somewhere, even if it was more vilification of the Italian mariner who "discovered" America more than 500 years ago.   I may have missed it,  but in America in 2020, there will be no parades honoring Columbus due to Covid 19 and virtually all stories followed by good liberals will venerate indigenous people.

       I wish I could say I am conflicted by Columbus' downfall in popular culture.  As a child of the 60's , I didn't need the Italian connection with him to validate my own standing.  Even then, the Knights of Columbus in my church parish seemed like a pointless organization which allowed a coterie of older Italian men to dress in silly uniforms a couple of times each year.

      Columbus was a monster, but no more so than most Europeans of his time.   Mass slaughter and enslavement of the natives of the New World would have happened whomever made the discovery of new lands to exploit.   Certainly the conquistadors needed no lessons on rapine from him.   Meanwhile, perhaps Italians should press for Congress to replace Columbus Day with a Da Vinci Day to celebrate another famous Italian.   At least until someone  publishes the real dirt on Leonardo.  And so it goes.


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