Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Judging Amy

       I'm sure somewhere in America in the last few weeks someone has used the title of the improbable TV show, Judging Amy, when weighing in on the Supreme Court nomination of another Amy.   The TV Amy, played a family court judge who juggled family responsibilities with her judicial duties.  The show ran from 1999 to 2005 and I remember watching a few episodes.   The non-fictional Amy, who is now the subject of Senate confirmation hearings might want to catch a few glimpses of her namesake's struggle with her inner judge.

      Amy Coney Barrett, who I imagine will soon be known by the acronym ACB, is not nearly as introspective as Amy Gray.   Brought up in the hothouse of post Bill Clinton jurisprudence on the GOP side, ACB checked all the boxes in the employment application put out by the Federalist Society.  Add to that her involvement in the Catholic cult called  the "people of praise" and you have the Stepford Wife of the Seventh Circuit.   Introspection  would not be her strong suit.

     Republicans will hijack this nomination in order to expand their margin on the court to a 6-3 chokehold.  They are already crying foul to the suggestion the Democrats may expand the court to 13 judges in order to counteract the anti-majoritarian bent of the Robert's court.   The rank hypocrisy this requires is no  greater than what the GOP has enabled the president* to do in the last four years.  The party has prostituted itself to remake the judiciary in an attempt to legislate from the bench.  As I'm sure Amy Gray would agree, it would be ironic if the first act of a newly elected Democratic president and Congress was to nullify the McConnell strategy  and expand the Federal Court system with newly appointed liberal judges.

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