Tuesday, October 20, 2020

North Country Gardening

     For my own sanity, I'm taking a break from politics today and will share the latest news from my garden.   This will be the last week for my mini CSA.  However, this has more to do with my impending knee surgery than a lack of produce.   I am still harvesting cilantro, dill, parsley, broccoli, kale and other greens.  I still have  50-60 cauliflower plants trying to head up.   The weather looks good for the balance of the week and no frost is predicted through the end of next week.   I even have lettuce under cover.

     To those who garden in more southerly climes, the above may  not seem like a big deal, but for those of you who deal with the vicissitudes posed by weather at Latitude 44 or higher, the bounty I am still harvesting is downright amazing.    Despite a couple of frosts which decimated the tomatoes, peppers and summer squash, I could imagine harvesting for another 2-3 weeks.   20 years ago this would not have happened because no one would have planted crops so late in the season.   Climate change, anyone?

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