Thursday, October 15, 2020

The whole thing is bananas

      Dr. Johnny Bananas and numerous other distinguished physicians want you to know that herd immunity to the coronavirus is possible.   So are the deaths of several million of your fellow Americans.   Potato, potathoe.

      The tRump administration has seemingly gone all in for the recommendations contained in the Great Barrington Declaration, a document written under the sponsorship of a Koch brothers' organization.  The document advocates we protect the elderly from infection while letting everyone else go about life normally.  No masks, no social distancing and no effort to contain Covid 19.   As one pundit pointed out, the president* would love this because it requires him to do nothing.

      The result of letting the virus rampage through the population would be the deaths of up to several million people, plus the long term care of many "long haulers" who would continue to present symptoms of the disease for months and perhaps years after infection.  However, Dr. Bananas and the few actual doctors who put their names and reputations on this farce don't seem to care about the fates of their fellow Americans.   This is the state of our country in October 2020.  Cherish it.

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