Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Saved by the fair sex

       By the time the 60 Minutes interview featuring the president* and Lesley Stahl is aired this coming Sunday nearly half the electorate will have voted.  Of the remaining half, a vast majority have already made up their minds.  However, judging by the tenor of tRump's criticism of Ms. Stahl, there may be some cause for some voters to rethink the issues, particularly misogyny, before voting.

       As virtually every American knows by now, racism and misogyny are the two character traits on exhibit whenever Cheatolini addresses the public.   Objectification of women, veiled references to sexual assault and outright vilification of strong women is perhaps what defines tRumpism in the public's imagination.   His fans have revived the chant, "lock her up", to now refer to Michigan governor, Gretchen Whitmer, who had the audacity to call out the commander in chief for inciting the kind of woman hatred which resulted in a failed plot by a Michigan "militia" to kidnap, try and execute her for the crime of trying to keep her fellow citizens safe during the pandemic.

     As a result of this relentless vilification of women, the gender gap has now become a gender chasm, with Joe Biden now enjoying a 25% lead among women.  I can only imagine what the televised interview will show us this coming Sunday.   tRump's tweetstorm against Ms. Stahl will ensure a massive audience which will probably change at least a few minds.  Thank heavens for the fair sex.  They may indeed save us from ourselves.

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