Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Stressing in the shadows

        An avalanche of bad news for the tRump campaign continues on a daily basis.   The president* is bleeding support from nearly every demographic except evangelicals and old white men.   A Democratic senate now seems within reach.   And yet.   Most media outlets have at least one Cassandra blaring warnings of the coming Biden defeat.   Despite all the news of early voting, the MAGA hordes are coming for your democracy and if they fail, Republicans will use the levers of governmental power to install Cheetolini for at least  4 more years.

       Most of those who read this blog will make sure they vote and are probably contributing to and working for campaigns.   You are aware things can go sideways very easily.   As many people have pointed out, no matter how unpopular the Republican party has become under tRump, at least 37% of the voting age population would vote for GOP candidates no matter what.   The same is true of Democrats.  That leaves 20-25% of voters who can be persuaded.   They may self identify as Dems or Repubs, but their allegiance is fungible.   Witness Landslides for FDR, LBJ and Reagan.   There were many crossovers in each of those elections.   We need this to happen in 21 days.  There can be no doubt of the people's choice in 2020.   As one woman who waited 5 hours to vote in Atlanta said, "We are voting as if our lives depend on it".

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