Friday, March 17, 2017

What would St. Patrick do

The Trump "budget" was issued to an incredulous American public yesterday and if The Donald hoped the heartbreakingly cruel document would distract the press from covering the potentially disastrous Russia connection story he was disappointed.  As a statement of the republican view of government it horrified almost everyone who saw it.  From the EPA to Meals on Wheels, the director of the OMB, a little scum sucker named Mick Mulvaney, wielded an meat cleaver instead of a scalpel.  He virtually guaranteed opposition from all democrats and most republicans in even remotely competitive districts.  The "Freedom Caucus" is probably ecstatic, but even these stalwart assholes will hear from many voters in their district who benefit from the government programs being decimated.   As one pundit put it this spending proposal wasn't worth the paper it was printed on.  Alas, once it is dismissed, the press will continue to hound the administration for it's manifest corruption and continue to investigate its ties to Russia.  St. Patrick was celebrated for eliminating snakes from Ireland.  We need a latter day equivalent to rid us of the reptiles currently slithering through the West Wing and Congress. 

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