Friday, March 10, 2017

Another Day

NPR provided another dispiriting glance into the fact free zone the average Trump voter lives in these days.  The host spoke to the same group of baby boomer republicans who questioned Trump's candidacy in June, but were virtually 100% behind him in the general election.   A former Charlotte city councilman who you might assume would know better declared "Trump has already gotten more done than any president  in my lifetime".  Instead of inquiring what these accomplishments might be, the vapid hostess moves on to ask about the Muslim ban, possibly the only thing Trump has "accomplished" and even that undone by an injunction, and all the assembled republicans could do was bleat about Sharia law and how muslim immigrants were "infecting" the country.  Despite the impressive solidarity shown by the assembly, afterward, one of the participants whispered two words to the hostess, narcissism and lies.  All things considered (that's an inside joke), it was a pretty gloomy picture of elderly racists who were so happy to vote against Obama they would support an unqualified, moronic, sociopath with something approaching glee.  America... sometimes I hate this place.

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