Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Bothered and bewildered

In the last two months we have seemingly become two nations with regards to attitudes toward the President.  Among republicans, Cheeto Jesus has almost the same approval ratings as Reagan and Bush Sr. and Jr.  The rest of the nation manifests an historic low approval.  What gives here?  Many pundits say this is just a function of a hyper politicized nation.  The same people point to President Obama's approval ratings at a similar stage of his time in office.  Republicans hated him almost as much as democrats hate his successor.  The difference here is Obama ran a scandal free 8 year administration.  Trump has not completed a hundred days and there are so many scandals regarding everything from pre-election dalliance with Russian intelligence to Trump family business ties with autocrats around the world that a scorecard is necessary to keep up.  This is not normal, and anyone who tells you it is should be carefully vetted for sanity.  Yesterday, the director of the FBI told congress it is investigating Trump campaign contacts and possible collusion with Russian intelligence to tilt the election to the republicans.  At the same time the Senate judiciary committee was starting the hearing for Trump's nominee to the Supreme Court.  How can this be happening?  The clouds over this administration need to be dispersed before any substantive actions by congress can be considered.

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