Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Armed and dangerous

Much of the political conversation over the past couple of weeks has centered on the accusation of the president as a pathological liar.  Exhibit number one is his tweet saying his predecessor wiretapped the phones at Trump Tower before the election in an effort to dig some dirt that could be used against The Donald.  Many in the media have spent much time trying to get a consensus that we should call out the lies and the liar.  A smaller contingent are focusing on the lies as part of a diagnosis of mental impairment, bordering on psychosis.  Their argument is that in the moment, Trump really believes the unhinged rants he posts on Twitter.  This is a man who holds the codes which would unleash a nuclear holocaust.   As Bob Somersby of the "Daily Howler" blog points out, when Richard Nixon was confronted by the elder statesmen of the republican party with the enormity of the Watergate scandal, he resigned.  Does anyone think Trump would do the same thing if it is proven that associates of his campaign, acting with his knowledge and encouragement, colluded with the Russians to tilt the recent election?  Somersby doesn't think so, and without spelling out his diagnosis, says it is much more troubling than the lies we have been bombarded with before, during and after Nov. 8.  Unfortunately, their are no elder statesmen left in the GOP.  They are a collection of liars, thieves and buffoons who will enable this defective human being to be the worst he can be.  May the Flying Spaghetti Monster have mercy on us.

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