Thursday, March 30, 2017

Outing the Lion

Looks like another white weekend for the NCR.  The forecast is for 3-5 inches of snow tomorrow and Saturday.  I don't know about anyone else, but I am heartily sick of winter.  Usually by this time of year we are looking forward to the end of mud season and the start of spring.  Fortunately for the apple orchards in the North Country the weather has remained cold and the trees are still dormant.  The Hudson Valley has not been so fortunate and the orchards in that region are probably anticipating some level of damage as the trees responded to late February warmth by starting to break dormancy in time for severe early March freezes.  Between Mother Nature messing with the crop and Immigration and Customs Enforcement cracking down on their labor supply it looks like another tough year for growers.   March came in rather meekly, but is certainly going out in lion-like fashion.

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