Friday, March 3, 2017

House of Lies

The one constant of the Trump administration is the lies.  Taking their cue from the boss, every functionary seems to feel the need to demonstrate their ability to lie on both substantive and everyday issues.  Unfortunately for most of them, they are not in the same league as the fabricator-in-chief.  Jefferson Bauregard Sessions is the latest casualty unearthed by the fourth estate.  The newly minted Attorney General has had to recuse himself from investigations of Russian involvement in our elections amid calls for his resignation.  He seems to be treading the same path as former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn who was dismissed after his lies to Congress were exposed.  I think Sessions will brazen the situation out unless more egregious falsehoods are uncovered.  But the damage continues to the reputation of the entire administration.  While somewhere between 25-30% of the population will support the President even up to the apocryphal 5th Avenue shooting, the ability of the administration to get anything accomplished with a republican congress rests on an assumption of broad public support for its policies.  The first hundred days have seen the patience of the rational portion of the electorate stretched to the breaking point.   Reflexive opposition will be the order of the day from now on.

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