Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Post Outrage

As horrified by the Obama administration as many conservatives were, except in the fever swamps of Alex Jones imagination most were willing to grant that the government was competent and honest.  They may have abhorred the policies the democrats pursued, but when Nancy Pelosi held the Speaker's gavel and Harry Reid wrangled a factious Democratic majority in the Senate, they were able to enact an ambitious agenda which went far beyond the dems signature achievement in health care.  Obama kept extending his hand to the opposition party in a spirit of "post partisanship" and had said hand cut off numerous times before finally deciding he had no more f*cks to give and governed through executive orders for the last two years of his presidency.  Even then, competence and lack of drama were the hallmarks.  Less than 100 days into a scandal plagued and incompetent tenure, Cheeto Jesus and his henchman and their plans make Jimmy Breslin's characters in "The Gang that Couldn't Shoot Straight" look like personifications of genius.  From a pornographically cruel healthcare bill to foreign policy follies including the Mexican wall fiasco, to the daily scandals generated by the unsavory people he surrounds himself with, Trump continues to exceed even his most vigorous opponents expectations of stupidity.  Where do we go from here?

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